Death of Rivor Lau

November 27, 2022

Death of Rivor Lau

With the heaviest heart that I must announce the death of my beloved wife, Rivor Lau, the heart and sole of Green Rivor. She lost her battle with cancer today. 

Her death has come as a shock to her family and myself. We are trying to deal with the emotional sadness of her loss as well as all the legal aspects. We are attempting to cancel orders we can while others we will need both time and possibly your assistance given the means of payment (non-credit card). If you have placed an order recently and have not received a cancellation, please reach out to us via Facebook or Instagram with your order number, items ordered, and amount to help resolved. We apologise for this inconvenience and thank you for the support.

Please note, hearing from you about how her jewellery or comments helped you when you were in a difficult place, brought a lot of warmth to her.  She only wanted to bring love and happiness to everyone by finding the light within each one of us. You all were appreciated by her as well as her family. Nothing warmed me with pride than seeing a crowd of fans and customers excited to see her and her products. Thank you for this love and support. 

Rivor’s Husband, Glenn

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